Howdy, Ags! Today, we have Sarah Martin ’01, author, speaker, and wellness coach. In this episode, Sarah shares building a platform to serve an audience, all while never forgetting your why and your passion. If you are looking for inspiration, then this episode is for you. So tune in and enjoy!

Remember Your Why, Your Passion, and Who You Serve

Sarah is a multi-passionate person. She loves serving the Lord and serving people. Lately, her focus is on equipping men and women for these stormy days that we live in to help them know what matters most, to see revival in them and through them. She believes revival is imminent not only in the four walls of the church but also in the marketplaces. Sarah emphasized it is essential to be bold in who you are and what your voice is, regardless of whether people will like it or hate it. Those that are going to love what you say are going to come along for the ride, and these are also the ones that you would want to serve. 

With the challenges Social Media brings due to its unsteady algorithms that could sway you away from your core, Sarah overcomes this by not being afraid to try new things, honing her niche, and using the platform to reach and impact people.

About Faster Way to Fat Loss:

Regular and Vegan meal plan options are available each week, with ingredient lists and preparation instructions to help reach goals FASTer.

Effective 30-minute workouts with the entire FASTer Way community. Low-impact, at-home, and gym options are available each day.

Accountability and support from an active and like-minded community, along with one-on-one support from a certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach.

Outline of the Episode:

  • [00:04] Intro
  • [02:02] Late-night trips to Taco Cabana
  • [04:10] passion for leading women and men to a vibrant life
  • [05:21] Her tipping point that allowed the strong growth trajectory 
  • [07:58] Social Media and why is it a challenge for her
  • [13:53] Trying new things
  • [14:15] It’s imperative to know who you’re serving.
  • [21:05] The importance of having a realistic view of your family life and business
  • [23:35] Keep your why when setting goals.
  • [24:51] Lightning round
  • [29:30] Takeaways






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